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I have published articles in major law and social science journals on topics including comparative law focusing on India, reproductive rights and feminist legal theory, international human rights (particularly, indigenous rights, right to education, and women’s rights), and empirical studies of the Indian court system.   My articles have appeared in law and peer-reviewed journals, including the North Carolina Law Review, Cornell Law Review (online), Stanford Journal of International Law, UCLA Law Review (online), Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, Cornell Journal of Public Policy, UCLA Journal of Law and Foreign Affairs, and Human Rights Quarterly, and Forum for Health Economics and Policy. Click on the bold text below to read the article:

Is India the New China in U.S. Foreign Policy? (Symposium)​, 34 Washington International Law Journal 1 (2024).  


Foreign Law in Dobbs: The Need for A Principled Framework (Symposium), 14 ConLawNOW 37 (2023).


Transnational Legal Feminist Approaches to the Honour Crimes Provision in the Istanbul Convention, Transnational Legal Theory Journal (August 2022).


Unintended Consequences of Term Limits of Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court: Lessons from a Comparative Study of the Indian Supreme Court, Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law (January 2022).


Do Reason-Based Abortion Bans Prevent Eugenics, Cornell Law Review Online, Vo1 107, Issue 1 (October 2021).


Medical and Mental Health Implications of Gestational Surrogacy, Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. (2021) (with Annie Yau, Rachel L. Friedlander, Allison Petrini, Mary Catherine Holt, Darrell E. White, Joseph Shin)


Reverse Legal Transplants, 99 N.C. L. Rev. 49 (2020)


Transnational Law as a Framework for Law Clinics, 11 (2) JGLR 251 (2020) (with Rachael Hancock)


When Contact Kills: Indigenous Peoples Living in Voluntary Isolation During COVID, 68 UCLA L. Rev. Discourse 268 (2020-2021) (with Nicholas Koeppen)


How Stereotypes about Indians are used to Promote Abortion Restrictions in the US?, 32 Nat'l.  L. Sch. India Rev. 29 (2020)​


India’s Founding Moment, The Constitution of A Most Surprising Democracy’ by Madhav Khosla: A Book Review, 30 (10) LPBR. Rev. 149 - 153 (2020) (with Meher Dev)   

Views Adopted by the Committee under Article 5 (4) of the Optional Protocol, Concerning Communication Nos. 2747/2016 & 2807/2016 (H.R. Comm.), 58(1) International Legal Materials 195 (2019)


Transnational Legal Feminisms: Challenges and Opportunities, 52 Cornell Int'l L. J. 171 (2019)


Women in the Crossfire: Understanding and Ending Honor Killing, 41 Hum. Rts. Q. 1015 (2019)


From Executive Appointment to the Collegium System: The Impact on Diversity in the Indian Supreme Court, 51 Verfassung und Recht in Übersee 273 (2018) (with Aparna Chandra and William H. J. Hubbard)


Regulating Markets for Gestational Care: Comparative Perspectives on Surrogacy in the United States and India, 27 Cornell J. L. & Public Policy 685 (2018)


Expanding the Feminist Pathways Perspective beyond the United States: A Profile of Federal Women Prisoners in Argentina, 28 Women & Crim. Just. 125 (2018) (with Emily J.Salisbury, Breanna Boppre et. al.)


The Supreme Court of India: A People’s Court?, 1 Indian L. Rev. 145 (2017) (with Aparna Chandra and William H. J. Hubbard)


The French Veil Ban: A Transnational Legal Feminist Approach, 46 U. Balt. L. Rev. 201 (2017)


The Quiet Power of Indicators:  Measuring Governance, Corruption, and the Rule of Law, 34 Nordic J. Hum. Rts. 226 (2016)


Promoting Clinical Legal Education and Democracy in India, 8 NUJS L. Rev. 1 (2015)


Sex-selective Abortion Bans: Anti-immigrant or Anti-abortion? 16(1) Geo. J. Int'l Aff., 140 (2015)


Sex-selective Abortion Bans are Not Associated with Changes in Sex Ratios at Birth in Illinois and Pennsylvania, Forum On Health And Economic Policy 1 (2014) (with Arindam Nandi and Brian Citro)


Sex-Selection in India and the United States: A Contextualist Feminist Approach, 18 UCLA J. Int'l L. Foreign Aff. 61 (2013)


Litigation as a Measure of Well-Being: The Threat of India’s Case Backlog, 62 De Paul L. Rev 247 (2013) (with Theodore Eisenberg and Nick Robinson) (republished in a book dedicated to Vice-Chancellor Singh of the National Law School in Delhi)


Socio-Economic Rights: Adjudication under a Transformative Constitution, 34 Hum. Rts. Q. 579 (2012) (with Elizabeth Brundige)


Enhancing Enforcement of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Using Indicators: A Focus on the Right to Education in the ICESCR, 32 Hum. Rts. Q. 253 (2010) (with Jocelyn E. Getgen and Steven Arrigg Koh) (republished in “Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights,” edited by Manisuli Ssenyonjo, Ashgate Publishing)


Intent-to-Benefit: Individually Enforceable Rights in International Treaties, 44 Stan. J. Int'l L. 63 (2008)




© 2021 by Sital Kalantry.

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