Professor of Law
Associate Dean, International & Graduate Programs
Founding Director, India Center
Seattle University School of Law
Popular Writing
I have published numerous op-eds on topics including comparative law (India), gender rights (surrogacy, violence against women and reproductive rights), and immigration. Access some of my popular writing below [click on the title to read the article]:
Why do we call ourselves "South Asian"?, The New India Abroad (December 2024)
Kamala Harris and the Future of Indian Americans in Politics, Seattle Times (July 23, 2--4_
Why the Wait for a Green Card is Endless, TIMES OF INDIA (March 4, 2023)
Outdated Green Card Laws Hurt Workers from India, SEATTLE TIMES (December 22, 2023).
Why the U.S. should Embrace India, SEATTLE TIMES (September 5, 2023).
Lessons from India on the Issue of Supreme Court Justice Term Limits, THE HILL (Apr. 20, 2021)
Social Media Bans Can Be Shaped by International Human Rights Law, BLOOMBERG LAW (Jan. 28, 2021)
India Should Also Accede to the U.N. Refugee Convention, HINDUSTAN TIMES (Mar. 12, 2020)
By Misciting My Work, Justice Thomas Proves My Point, THE PENN PRESS LOG (June 12, 2019)
Paid Surrogacy in New York Won’t Lead to Exploitation: What’s India Got To Do With It?, NEW YORK DAILY NEWS (Jun. 7, 2019)
The Right Way to Legalize Surrogacy in New York, GOTHAM GAZETTE (Feb. 21, 2019)
7th Circuit Faces Major Abortion Case Over ‘Reason-based Bans’, CHICAGO DAILY LAW BULLETIN (Mar. 22, 2018)
Veil Bans in the European Court of Human Rights, AMERICAN SOCIETY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (December 12, 2017) (with Maithili Pradhan)
Repeal Surrogacy Ban to Reflect the Rest of the Country, ALBANY TIMES UNION (Sep. 14, 2017) (with Rebecca Helm)
Challenging the Narrative on Sex-selective Abortion Bans, MS. MAGAZINE (Aug. 25, 2017)
Stereotypes About Indian Americans in Legislatures Across the U.S., INDIA ABROAD (Jul. 31, 2017)
How to Fix India’s Sex Selection Problem, The N.Y. Times (Jul. 27 2017) cited in the U.S. Supreme Court judgment - in Box v. Indiana (May 2019)
Senate Should Take up Domestic Violence Act, ITHACA JOURNAL (Sep. 19, 2016)
Here’s Why That Race-selective Abortion Ban Bill is so Discriminatory, WOMEN’S E-NEWS (Apr. 16, 2016).
Do Women Really Discriminate Against Their Fetuses? THE HUFFPOST BLOG (Dec. 21, 2015)
India’s Daughter, Sexual Violence and the Many Indias, INTLAWGRRLS (Mar. 15, 2015)
Eric Posner has a Narrow Understanding of International Human Rights Clinics, CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION BLOG (Nov. 24, 2014)
Does a Ban on Wearing the Full Veil Promote Women’s Equality?, INTLAWGRRLS (Jul. 9, 2014)
Stereotyping Asian Americans as Misogynist, HUFFPOST BLOG (Jul. 16, 2014)
The Jury is Out: Do the new Board of Immigration Appeals’ Decisions Give Victims of Domestic Violence a Stronger Basis to Claim Asylum?, HUMAN RIGHTS LAW PROFESSORS BLOG (Mar. 18, 2014)
Human Rights Concerns Missed on Both Sides of the India-U.S. fallout over the Treatment of an Indian Diplomat, INTLAWGRRLS (Dec. 19, 2013)
It’s A Trick, SLATE (May 6, 2013)
India’ Supreme Court Ruling: A Defeat for the Pharmaceutical Industry, INTLAWGRRLS (Apr. 3, 2013)
Protection from Rape or Freedom to Have Sex, INTLAWGRRLS (Mar. 13, 2013)
The Professor, The Bikini Model and the Suitcase Full of Trouble, INTLAWGRRLS (Mar. 11, 2013)
Women in Robes (Gender Parity in Courts), AMERICA’S QUARTERLY (Summer 2012)