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Book Chapters


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I have contributed chapters to books published by the Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press and Routledge.  The books include A Qualified Hope: The Indian Supreme Court & Progressive Social Change (Gerald N. Rosenberg, Sudhir Krishnaswamy, & Shishir Bail eds., 2019), The Future of Indian Universities: Comparative & International Perspectives (C. Raj Kumar ed. 2018), and Human Rights in India (Satvinder Juss ed. 2019). Click on the bold text to read the book chapters:   

"Surrogacy in the United States of America: From Prohibition to Permission" in Research Handbook on Surrogacy Law (Katrina Trimmings (ed.), et. al.,  Elgar Publishing, 2024)


"Unacceptable Justifications for Crimes, including crimes committed in the Name of Honour" (with Shireen Modi) in Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence: A Commentary on the Istanbul Convention (Edited by Sara De Vido, Professor of International Law, University of Venice) (2024). 


“Enhancing reproductive justice transnationally: An equality-based approach to sex-selective abortion laws in India (with Meher Dev) in Research Handbook on International Abortion Law (Mary Ziegler, ed., Elgar Publishing, 2023)


“Usando el Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos para proteger el derecho a la propiedad de los pueblos indígenas en las Américas: el impacto de la represa de Salvajina en las comunidades nasas” (co-author David Cordero) in “El debate sobre la propiedad en transición hacia la paz” (ed. Sergio Latorre Restrepo, et. al), published by Universidad del Rosario and Universidad del Northe.  


“Why do some Pro-Choice People Support Harmful Abortion Bans?” in WHOSE CHOICE IS IT? ABORTION, MEDICINE, AND THE LAW, 7TH EDITION (David F Walbert and J. Douglas Butler, eds. American Bar Association 2021).


“The Surrogacy Public Interest Litigation in the Indian Supreme Court: Marginalizing the Marginalized” in SOUTH OF THE FUTURE: MARKETINT CARE AND SPECULATING LIFE IN SOUTH ASIA AND THE AMERICAS (Anindita Banerjee and Debra A. Castillo eds. SUNY Press 2020).


When ‘Creeping Jurisdiction’ Goes Awry: The Social Action Litigation to Ban Surrogacy, in JUDICIAL REVIEW: PROCESS, POWERS, AND PROBLEMS (ESSAYS IN HONOUR OF UPENDRA BAXI) 79–106 (Salman Khurshid et al. eds., Cambridge University Press 2020)


Acid Attack Violence in India: The Case for State and Corporate Accountability for Gender-Based Crimes, in HUMAN RIGHTS IN INDIA (Satvinder Juss ed., Routledge 2019) (with Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum)


The Supreme Court of India: An Empirical Overview, in A QUALIFIED HOPE: THE INDIAN SUPREME COURT AND PROGRESSIVE SOCIAL CHANGE 43–76 (Gerald N. Rosenberg et al., eds., Cambridge University Press 2019) (with Aparna Chandra and William H. J. Hubbard)


Evaluating the Impact of the Indian Supreme Court Judgment on Sex-Selective Abortion, in A QUALIFIED HOPE: THE INDIAN SUPREME COURT AND PROGRESSIVE SOCIAL CHANGE 319–344 (Gerald N. Rosenberg et al., eds., Cambridge University Press 2019) (with Arindam Nandi)


Clinical Legal Education and Democracy in India, in THE FUTURE OF INDIAN UNIVERSITIES: COMPARATIVE AND INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES 419–437 (C. Raj Kumar ed., Oxford University Press 2018)




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